Luana, A Bag of Sweets & the Ocean


Join Luana on her exciting journey through the underwater world and dive deep into the ocean with her as she embarks on an amazing adventure.

After a gust of wind blew her sweety bag and all seven sweety wrappers into the sea, Luana starts on an exciting adventure with Kerby the Crab and together they begin to collect the rubbish again. Along the way, she discovers the vibrant, colourful beauty of the ocean, meets lots of interesting sea creatures and learns why it is so important to protect them from the danger of consuming plastic.

Ein Buch von Bracenet – Madeleine von Hohenthal, Tori Glinicki, Pia Giesing, Samira Fauth und Jacob Muth

Gelesen von Yollette Thomas-Wunder

Regie: Tanja Deutsch

Musik: Simon Richter

Liedtext: Simon Richter

Gesang: Karo Fruhner

Sounddesign: Joschi Kauffmann

Illustrationen: Evgenia Lumfur

Ein Ohrenflausen Original

Erschienen im Verlag für Eingemachtes

Zielgruppe: alle Kinder von 4 bis 12 Jahren (und ihre Erwachsenen)

Spielzeit: 24 Minuten

Every day old fishing nets end up in the sea, for example because they are lost in a storm. Many marine animals get caught in these so called ghost nets and cannot free themselves on their own. With trained divers the Bracenet-Team helps to rescue the marine animals by pulling the nets out of the water.

They cut those nets into small pieces and use them to make great jewellery like the bracelet Luana gets from her new friends.

This audiobook is for all our little ambassadors of clean oceans, heroines and heroes of the seas, who love their environment and want to protect it forever. As they discover the many small details by listening to Kerby, the underwater police officer, this exciting story gently introduces them to ocean conservation.

In this way, young children clearly learn what plastic does to the underwater world and why it does matter, if our rubbish, in general, ends up in nature.

Listening is recommended from the age of 4 years.

This loving and funny story is accompanied by sounds and music that make us feel even closer to the action and also train our hearing. The gentle yet lively atmosphere is underlined by Yollette Thomas-Wunder’s versatile narrators voice, which gives each character a unique and dazzling profile.

The message above all is: We can all help to save our oceans!

“Let’s look after our precious planet together. That way it will remain beautiful in the future too. A home full of joy and love, forests and seas. A wonderful place for us and our children and for all the animals in this world.”

Would you like to enjoy some of Luana’s grandma’s cookies? We have the easy-to-follow recipe for you! And while they are baking … you could color our underwater search picture! Can you discover everything that doesn’t belong in the sea?

Stimme aus unserem Team

Es gab weltweit kein Kinderbuch, welches in einer spannenden Geschichte mit mitreißenden Illustrationen erzählte, was Meeresschutz eigentlich ist und was man selber dafür tun kann. Mein Sohn versteht durch das Buch Umweltschutz besser als viele Erwachsene und möchte jetzt Geisternetztaucher werden! Ich kann mit Stolz sagen, es ist das schönste Kinderhörbuch – mit wahnsinnig tollen Soundelementen – welches ich mir hätte wünschen können.

Madeleine von Hohenthal | Autorin der Geschichte "Luana, die Bonbontüte und das Meer"
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